
Twitter, You’re Busted”

Lets talk  Twitter!
I did a little searching and found a review on Twitter from Caroline Middlebrook
at http://www.caroline-middlebrook.com/

Here’s an excerpt from Carolines review:
Twitter  is many things to many people..but what often goes unnoticed is that..it can be an incredibly powerful marketing & community building tool with the ability to develop your brand,build relationships with your audience and provide a promotional medium that has the ability to go viral!”

“An Incredibly Powerful Marketing and Community Tool,
With a Promotional Medium to go Viral”

 Well thats just too good to be true!
I could use some of that, I thought to myself.

So I joined Twitter.com
I filled out my Profile completely and offered a Picture of myself as well.
(Note: One of my biggest pet peeves is that most people fail to offer a picture, much less complete their profiles.)
I used the same username that I use for every site I join: Big-Dick-Nigga (Or Maybe Just ‘JoeyAlizioJr‘ ..LOL)
along with my complete name Joey Alizio Jr  in my profile info page.

I love to click…its fun..fun..fun…
So I clicked onto a few things…. People to follow…
Articles to save as favorites… and I also added a few posts and pics.
I didnt send any messages to anyone.

Anyways, I came back the next day to do some more clicking,
hey why not…. right?
I added a few more follows, and submitted a few more posts,
and pictures .
I still did not send any messages to anyone.

Heres where the FUN STOPS.
Twitter froze my account.
:: Yeah, Im confused too ::

So, I immediately messaged them asking a few questions,
and offering some info.

:: I received no reply ::

I chocked that up to bad timing or whatever…
and I sent off a duplicate message of the first one.

:: I still received no reply ::

To this date, I have never recieved a reply from Twitter
I even sent a  Nasty message where I told them off in 96 different ways!
I figured that I might at least get a “you’re deleted” note!

In Conclusion:
Twitter is managed by people who dont understand the concept of “Customer Service”
and have obviously never heard the expression:
“The Customer is always Right”
Meanwhile, Twitter’s Lack or Respect shines through Bright!

This isnt Brain Surgery.
These sites need us more than we need them.

Im tired of hearing “Well, this is the Internet you know”
Like that is supposed to excuse people for being Rude and Ignorant to others.
No…there is no Excuse.

Twitter, you’re Busted” :: Plain and Simple ::

HEY! In The Famous Words Of  ::.::Judas Priest:.::.. :
“Some Heads Are Gonna Roll.. Roll!”

I Created..“Mind FreakS” for my Myspace profiles
and default pics.
The third animation: “
Mad Threat Mind FreakS” is my Favorite.



I may be just a tad cynical, but hey thats me@!

“You will never recognize True Love until you’ve experienced…

and the feeling that you may have just let

 ..::The One::. Slip away..


..::..All Eyez on Me..::..

Sometimes I cant help but feel like I’m…

Being Watched…

…::Joker Poker::..

I Wanted To Create Some Sort Of.. “Psycho Joker” theme..


…::: My Baby Loves Me ::.:: Parts A & B::….

Haven’t We All Made Someone We Love Just Soooooo Mad?

Or Maybe Thats ..:: Just Me ::.. LOL..

Cat… River… Road

Just another Sweet, Soft, Quiet Day..?  ~Down by the River~


♦ ♦ Sweet thought of the Day ♦ ♦